A Banana Pro Weather Logger

circuit and connections

Breadboarded circuit

Lemaker provides versions of RPi.GPIO and WiringPi modified for use with the Banana Pro. You can find them here. For your referrence here are the WiringPi pin numbers for the BananaPro. Click the thumbnail on the left to see the complete circuit on a breadboard. From left to right you see:

  1. A button used to shut down the Banana Pro with yellow wire to GPIO pin 3 on the Banana Pro.
  2. Button used to simulate reed switch in rain gauge with yellow wire to GPIO pin 2 on the Banana Pro.
  3. An AQY210EH (K1A) used to switch on/off 5V from Banana Pro to 5V rail connected with yellow wire to GPIO pin 7 on the Banana Pro.
  4. An AQY210EH (K2A) used to switch on/off 3.3V from Banana Pro to an LED connected with yellow wire to GPIO pin 0 on the Banana Pro.
  5. An Adafruit HTU21D-F Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board, behind and to the right of the LED lens.
  6. A Freetronics Barometric Sensor Module, to the right of the Adafruit Temperature & Humidity sensor.
  7. The LeoStick with a yellow wire from pin 4 to GPIO pin 1 on the Banana Pro.

I used 1.2K pulldown resisitors on the shutdown and buckit tip switches as well as on the interrupt pin (pin 4) on the LeoStick.

The green LED is rated at 3.5V forward voltage and 20mA forward current. I have foregone using a resistor as input voltage will be < 3.3V.

The two AQY210EH are photMOS relays that use an LED to switch an MOSFET and in this circuit require 680R current limiting resisitors.

There are no I2C pull up resistors required in the circuit.

weather station schematic

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